Sunday, August 26, 2012


Close up of a man, thin, very short steel gray hair, heavily lined face, late 50s to early 60s, stressed, bothered, talking.

"First they replaced Medicare and Social Security with vouchers and individual retirement accounts . My folks were both dead,  retirement was decades away, I figured I could do a better job with my money than the government could, so no problem."

"Then they got rid of college scholarships for poor kids. Hell, I had to work when I went
to school and I'm still paying off the loans. And so what if some of them can't go past
high school. We still need mechanics, and janitors, and construction workers, And with
the border closed and the illegals gone, somebody's got to do those jobs".

"Minimum wage was next. Sure I was 29 and still pouring coffee, but as soon as the tax
cuts kicked in, we knew the good jobs were going to come back."

"We opened up more of the country for drilling and built more nukes, so we don't need oil
from the Middle East anymore. Of course, the air's not so good, and it is too bad about
San Diego."

"Turns out global warming wasn't a hoax, of course. Food shortages are getting pretty
common, with the droughts and the crazy storms. I always wish I'd seen New Orleans
when I had the chance."

Slowly pull back, showing a small, sparsely furnished room.

"I remember 2012. Getting rid of Obama seemed like a good idea at the time. Now, I'm
not so sure....."

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